Parashat Noach

Noah and The Flood Home Run Shabbat The weekly Torah portion NOACH, the second portion in the Book of Bereshit/Genesis, is well known to all. Young children in our religious school have learned at a very young age about Noah, his unnamed wife, and his three sons, Shem, Ham, and...

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Continue Building Creation

I believe the creation story. This is not to say that I believe it teaches us how our world came to be. Indeed, I subscribe to the theory of evolution and the many truths offered by archeology, anthropology, and astronomy. Such fields have confirmed how the cosmos, plant life, animal...

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Calling Upon our Ancestors

As we celebrate our joyous holiday of Sukkot, I would like to invite you to explore the tradition we call “ushpizin” in your own Sukkahs or in our beautiful Sukkah at KI. “Ushpizin” and “ushpizot”.is a short ceremony to welcome our ancestors- our patriarchs and matriarchs into our Sukkah. On...

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October 6th, 2022

What a joy it was to spend these high holy days together. I felt so welcomed by our incredible community. The music was fantastic. The crowds were terrific. Like you, I left feeling ready for the year ahead. Thank you so much for making me and my family feel so...

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