52. March 1st - April 8, 2015
The Haggadah and the Seder - Our Passover Traditions
Karen Shain Schloss, noted calligraphic artist, is the guest curator. The subject is The Haggadah and the Passover Service. Karen has assembled a great exhibition that includes many, many varieties of the Haggadah and expositions of the different sections of the service. Also included are supporting objects from the museum's permanent collection such as Seder plates and Elijah cups etc. along with two, entirely unique, delightful doll house rooms. One depicts an actual, historic Civil War battlefield Seder. The other recreates a Colonial era Seder.
This exhibition, which will be open throughout March and the beginning of April, offers a fun take on the Haggadah - Seder experience and also incorporates Karen's own artistic flourishes in the installation. Come and see how many of these haggadot (plural) you can identify.
"KI has been a special part of my life since the third grade. I was confirmed, married and became a Bat Mitzvah (in that order) in this synagogue. I have also taught in the preschool for many years. It is the optimism of the children that influenced this work."