Parashat Balak

The Torah Communicates Jewish Truths in So Many Different Ways. More Thoughts on our Children in Jewish Summer Camps When Moshe Rabbeinu, Moses our Teacher, presented the Torah to the Jewish people, he gave us a document filled with so many different kinds of teachings and literary styles! Moses and...

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Parashat B’ha-alot’kha

The Israelites Begin the March to the Promised Land, and Our Children and Grandchildren Begin their March to Summer Camps As we begin B’haalot’cha, the third portion of B’Midbar/Numbers, the Israelites are camped at the foot of Mount Sinai for a full year after G-d Almighty had given the Torah...

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Parashat P’kudei ~ Purim is Coming!

The Iron Swords War: How We Are All Affected! B’Yachad N’Natzeach/Together We Shall Be Victorious! On Tuesday morning, Ellen and I attended a profoundly moving and truly painful session at Gratz College presented by Esther Marcus and Gal Horev, two survivors of October 7th Massacre.  It was overwhelmingly difficult and...

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PARASHAT TERUMAH: “Tell The Israelite People to Bring Me Gifts! (25:2)

“Acheinu” Resounds Throughout Our Community and the Jewish World! This week’s portion teaches us about G-d’s requirement to bring gifts to the community’s leadership for the community’s maintenance. Moses ascends Mount Sinai for a second time in order to learn what G-d expects of him and the Israelites.  G-d gives...

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Parashat MIketz

Parashat MIketz-Joseph, Lighting the Hanukkah Candles for The Eighth Night, and Candles as a Symbol of Shalom Bayit/Family Peace In our Torah reading cycle, we are in the middle of the Joseph stories in the Book of Bereshit/Genesis. Joseph, the son of the Jacob, the third Jewish patriarch, has been...

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Parashat R’eih

PARASHAT R’EIH: SEE, THE BLESSING AND THE CURSE! CENTRAL SANCTUARY IN A DIVINELY ORDAINED PLACE! SHIR KI CONTINUES THE 3000 YEAR JEWISH MUSICAL TRADITION- FIRST REHEARSAL: AUGUST 15, AT 7 PM. In this week’s Torah portion, Moses continues his third and final summary of G-d’s commandments by staging a massive...

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