Parashat Terumah: “Tell the Israelite People to Bring Me Gifts.” Exodus 25:2

The portion Terumah contains several ideas that are incredibly relevant to us today. This Shabbat we are reading the seventh portion of Sh’mot/Exodus. The dramatic and momentous events of the previous weeks’ Sidrot/portions have now happened. The disparate collection of former slaves have come together as Am Yisrael, the Nation...

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MIKETZ: Pharaoh’s Dreams, Joseph and His Brothers in Egypt, Deception and Character Tests, and Beethoven’s Birthday

We have arrived at the Torah portion of Miketz/The End (of two years’ time), and the drama of our Torah based personalities is intense and complex! The portion opens with the famous story of Pharaoh’s dreams. Pharaoh has two dreams that neither he nor his advisors can fully understand and...

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Shir KI, The Volunteer Choir Of Keneseth Israel, Prepares A Virtual Choir Presentation For The High Holidays

SHIR KI, our wonderful volunteer adult choir, will conclude the Rosh Hashanah service with a thrilling “VIRTUAL CHOIR PRESENTATION” of Hallelujah Psalm 150 by Louis Lewandowski. Choral singing has been a major element of Jewish worship since the First Temple in Jerusalem, built by King Solomon, 3000 years ago. The...

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Parashat R’eih, The Death of Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, and Preparing The “Virtual” Recording of Lewandowski’s Psalm 150 By Shir KI

This week, we are reading Parashat R’eih, the fourth portion in Deuteronomy, the fifth and last book of the Torah. We are beginning to study the Third Discourse given by Moses to the children of Israel just prior to their entrance into the Promised Land. In this portion, Moses continues...

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