Inclusion Update

Shalom, KI Community! While some programs have been in full swing, the Inclusion Committee has been planning our programs for the 2021-2022 year. As an example, “Clearing the Confusion II,”  a panel discussion on navigating current Covid issues will be held on ZOOM and Facebook Live on December 12th.  Researchers...

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Kristallnacht Commemoration

November 9, 2021 was the 83rd anniversary of Kristallnacht, the “Night of Broken Glass,” in which the Nazis burned Jewish businesses and synagogues in Germany and Austria. Sources indicate that over 1,000 synagogues were burned or destroyed. All within the span of two days, 7,000 Jewish businesses were looted and...

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Focus Groups are Upcoming as We Await Candidate Applications

October 1, 2021 Focus Groups are Upcoming as We Await Candidate Applications Dear Friends: Now that the congregation survey is completed and results have been analyzed, the Rabbinic Search Committee has turned its attention to planning the upcoming Focus Groups. Coordinated by Liz Kaufman-Taylor, Marijke Shenkman and Andrew Altman, these...

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Social Justice Committee’s Fundraiser distributes $10,000 to Displaced Regina Rose Residents

Last Sunday the Social Justice Committee distributed $10,000 collected through a Facebook fundraiser to residents of the Regina Rose Apartments, who have been displaced from their homes for two months due to unsafe conditions. Residents were forced into motels or makeshift accommodations with friends and family, incurring unexpected expenses while...

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False Prophets: Ancient and Modern

Part of this week’s Torah portion, Re’eh, from Deuteronomy 13 contains an extensive discussion of false prophets. Determining true and false prophecy is just as much modern as it was an ancient problem. Prophecy, is not just a matter of predicting the future, indeed even from a Biblical perspective, clairvoyance...

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Inclusion Update

Dear fellow congregants, I hope this finds you happy and healthy. I am looking forward to spending August developing plans for this year’s Inclusion Committee. I do hope you have followed the experiences of Inclusion at KI during the past months: the LGBT+ Pride Shabbat, the ADD Shabbat, the panels on COVID,...

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