Mazal Tov, Rochelle Dinkin!

Artist, Rochelle Dinkin, KI member and member of the TJM Artists’ Collaborative invites the KI community to a celebration event, September 9th from 4:30 to 7:00pm for her current one person exhibition at PAFA. Details below. The PAFA Alumni Gallery is pleased to present “The Mystical Heroine Revisited”, an exhibition of...

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Use your IRA to pay your Membership and other charitable contributions and avoid taxes 

The IRA Charitable Rollover provision allows individuals who have reached the age of 70 1/2 to donate up to $100,000 annually to charitable organizations directly from their individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) without treating the distribution as taxable income.  Your gift can be designated toward membership, the Spring Fundraiser, a general...

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Social Justice for eKI 4.28.21

From Warriors to Guardians: Reimagining Community Values in Policing May 4th from 6:00 to 7:30 PM Please join us for an important program on policing presented by KI members on the Eastern Montco Interfaith Coalition (EMIC) and Arcadia University. Presenters will include Eddie Graham, President of the Cheltenham Area Branch of...

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Fair Districts PA Presents Program About the Dangers of Gerrymandering

Fair Districts PA Presents Program About the Dangers of Gerrymandering – Watch Here! By Rachel Goff, Social Justice Committee Member The Social Justice Committee hosted William Gross, a speaker form Fair Districts PA, on Jan. 25 who examined the dangers of gerrymandered districts.  Gerrymandering, Mr. Gross pointed out, reduces competition,...

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Music Soothes The Soul by Fran Schwartz

Moral Compass: Artists Respond to Crises Temple Judea Museum exhibition January – March 2021 KI MEMBERS RESPOND TO THE PANDEMIC: MUSIC SOOTHES THE SOUL – Fran Schwartz We are all searching for ways to fill these long pandemic days, weeks and months.  Whether it is reading, exercising, watching TV, socializing outdoors,...

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Artist Statement: Rosalind Reichstein

Moral Compass: Artists Respond to Crises Temple Judea Museum exhibition January – March 2021 My “LIFE IN THE TIME OF COVID” is a semi-realistic, symbolic representation in a kind of Grandma Moses style. My “circle of community” is an empty chair, potted plants, my much loved and loving indoor cat in...

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Artist Statement: Rochelle Marcus Dinkin

Moral Compass: Artists Respond to Crises Temple Judea Museum exhibition January – March 2021 The pandemic crisis is a Rorschach test for the entire global community.  Every part of our personal identities and our global political system needs to be re-examined.  This extends to our attitudes on class, race, sexuality, and...

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Artist Statement: Robert Dennis

Moral Compass: Artists Respond to Crises Temple Judea Museum exhibition January – March 2021 Robert Dennis My Moral Compass Media: Recycled plastics Confinement has given us time for introspection. For the artist, creating a hiatus from social norms, allowing additional time to work at home. I was reminded of an exhibit...

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Artist Statement: Rhea Dennis

Moral Compass: Artists Respond to Crises Temple Judea Museum exhibition January – March 2021 Rhea Dennis Remains Media: Unbleached Abaca and graphite Under normal circumstances my artwork is bold, bright and optimistic. When we began quarantining back in March part of me relished the idea of confinement. Redirecting my time away...

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Artist Statement: Reena Brooks

Moral Compass: Artists Respond to Crises Temple Judea Museum exhibition January – March 2021 My work doesn’t have a strong political message to convey or even an abstract meaning. I make my art because I need to. I need the interaction with my different materials. I need to investigate new techniques...

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