KI Library Information

October 15, 2020 Dear Reading Friends, I joined the KI family in September of 1982.  My first child had been born the previous spring. I spent my first 25 years teaching First Grade in the KI Religious School. I have taught many families who are still active KI members. In...

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The Dress By Ellen Tilman

Moral Compass: Artists Respond to Crises Temple Judea Museum exhibition January – March 2021 KI MEMBERS RESPOND TO THE PANDEMIC: The Dress – Ellen Tilman I hadn’t worn a dress in six months. Pants or shorts were sufficient for my cloistered needs. In my pre-covid life, I would arise each Shabbat...

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Our Parking Lot – Rita Rosen Poley

Moral Compass: Artists Respond to Crises Temple Judea Museum exhibition January – March 2021 OUR COMMUNITY MEMBERS RESPOND TO THE PANDEMIC: OUR PARKING LOT – Rita Rosen Poley Because of Covid19 I developed a close relationship with the KI parking lot. I live close enough to work to walk but seldom...

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History Has Its Eyes on Us: Mark the Centennial of the 19th Amendment With A Renewed Commitment to Vote!

On Tuesday August 18th we marked the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution granting women’s suffrage. Next Wednesday, August 26th, we will celebrate Women’s Equality Day, the date that the ratification was certified in 1920. The 19th Amendment represents the single largest expansion of democratic rights...

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Meyers Library HHD Resources

Recently, I asked the KI Clergy and Senior Staff to send me recommendations for resources to share with the congregation to help prepare for the coming High Holy Days. Never did I suspect how popular this topic would be. My in-box has been filled with on-line resources and programs.  Rabbi...

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Update from Inclusion 2020

An Inclusion Committee, chaired by Ellen Green Sklaroff, has been formed at Keneseth Israel to ensure that all congregants have access to enriching cultural and religious experiences.  These congregants may have physical and developmental differences, social and emotional issues. The inter-faith, multi-racial and LGBTQ+ communities are also an important part...

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Meyers Library June 2020 Update

This year a focus of KI is on Social Justice.  At Rosh Hashanah Rabbi Rigler delivered an impassioned speech on Social Justice. She mentioned many suggested books to read. As she spoke, I thought to myself that these titles are in our collection. It is interesting to note that while...

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A Statement From the Social Justice Committee

A Statement From the Social Justice Committee June 1, 2020 To Our Beloved KI Community: We, the members of the Social Justice Committee, have focused our efforts on education and advocacy: Education designed to forge bonds of understanding across difference, and advocacy related to voting. In January of this year,...

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