Rabbinic Search Committee Members

KI RABBINIC SEARCH COMMITTEE Search Committee Co-chairs Janice Schwartz-Donahue has been a member of KI for nearly 40 years although her family’s connection to KI reaches back to the 1920s. She taught 5th grade in Philadelphia  for 39 years and was an active KI Sisterhood member, serving as Sisterhood Co-President...

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KI Reopening FAQs

When and where are we worshipping? During July and August 2021, Friday Evening Services at 6:00 p.m. We were blessed with good weather for our opening Summer Shabbat Services in our “Tent of Meeting” on June 18th and 25th but on July 2nd the threat of thunderstorms led us inside...

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Reopening Protocols

Dear Congregants, In my January President’s Blog, I wrote about the Jewish values that were guiding our congregation throughout the pandemic. I continue to feel that it is of utmost importance that we be guided by the values of Pikuah Nefesh (Safeguarding Life) and Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh Bazeh (We...

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A Time of Transition

Dear Keneseth Israel Community, In Rabbi Sussman’s letter, he shared news of his decision to step down from his position as KI’s Senior Rabbi and begin the next phase of his life. As with any significant change, I imagine that you may greet this news with a broad range of...

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Welcome to Passover 2021 ~ 15 Nisan 5781

After a year of celebrating Jewish holidays in our homes, we are finally getting ready to march out of Egypt and leave those pesky plague/plagues behind. After a year of virtual celebrations, many of us have been immunized, and we are ready to step outside our homes and begin gathering...

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March is National Women’s History Month

In my continuing effort to share information on Social Justice issues from the Religious Action Center (RAC), I would like to welcome you all to the month of March, and the celebration of Women’s History Month. Growing out of the celebration of ‘International Women’s Day’ first commemorated in 1913, President...

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