Embracing Change with Courage

This week at KI, our new kitchen floor is starting to be installed! It has been very exciting to see the process of the old becoming new again. Sometime this month, our kitchen floor will be gorgeous, bright, and new. We will begin creating new memories and moments in this space,...

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Parashat B’ha-alot’kha

The Israelites Begin the March to the Promised Land, and Our Children and Grandchildren Begin their March to Summer Camps As we begin B’haalot’cha, the third portion of B’Midbar/Numbers, the Israelites are camped at the foot of Mount Sinai for a full year after G-d Almighty had given the Torah...

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Shavuot Celebration

This week we celebrate the holiday of Shavuot. Shavuot, meaning “weeks” in Hebrew, marks the culmination of a seven-week journey that begins with our liberation on Passover and commemorates the gift of the Torah at Mount Sinai. The meaning of Shavuot as “weeks” reminds us that meaningful experiences often require...

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If Not Now, When?

I wanted to share with you the remarks I was honored to deliver as the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism launched its nonpartisan Every Voice, Every Vote campaign this week. The campaign is committed to getting minority voices to the ballot box to ensure that all peoples are represented...

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I Am a Proud Reform Jew

In the fall of 1955, Rabbi Bertram Korn stood up at Rosh HaShanah services to deliver an extensive sermon on the state of KI. He spoke of the synagogue expanding its space, a full and active membership, the great impact KI was having on its surrounding community. The congregation was...

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