Parking Lot Construction

Phase Two of our Storm Water Retention Project started today.  Several years ago the Greenfaith Task Force of KI and the Tookany/Tacony-Frankford (TTF) Watershed Partnership educated us about the negative environmental impact of water runoff from parking lots taking oil, rock salt and other pollutants into the local creeks. The underground stormwater...

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‘Let justice roll …’

I spent this past weekend learning about the Civil Rights movement with an incredible group of KI members, most of them teens. We visited places that were – and still are – at the heart of the battle for equality in our country: Montgomery, Birmingham, Selma, and Atlanta. We stood...

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Your Voice Counts

In the coming days, millions of Americans will enter the voting booth. Contests of great consequence will finally come to a head, including those that matter significantly to Pennsylvania residents. Following untold dollars in campaign ads, social media drives, printed signs and slogans, new leaders will be named to local,...

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Parashat Noach

Noah and The Flood Home Run Shabbat The weekly Torah portion NOACH, the second portion in the Book of Bereshit/Genesis, is well known to all. Young children in our religious school have learned at a very young age about Noah, his unnamed wife, and his three sons, Shem, Ham, and...

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Calling Upon our Ancestors

As we celebrate our joyous holiday of Sukkot, I would like to invite you to explore the tradition we call “ushpizin” in your own Sukkahs or in our beautiful Sukkah at KI. “Ushpizin” and “ushpizot”.is a short ceremony to welcome our ancestors- our patriarchs and matriarchs into our Sukkah. On...

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October 6th, 2022

What a joy it was to spend these high holy days together. I felt so welcomed by our incredible community. The music was fantastic. The crowds were terrific. Like you, I left feeling ready for the year ahead. Thank you so much for making me and my family feel so...

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Feeding the Wolf

There is a Native American story regarding two wolves. One wolf embodies greed, selfishness, ego, revenge, and aggression. The other wolf embodies justice, compassion, patience, and kindness. As the story goes, both wolves live within us. Every day the wolves battle each other. Every day one is growing in strength...

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