Abundance in the New Year

We are entering into the month of Elul, a time of reflection and change. We look inward to find where we might have gone off track, and how we can, once again, align with ourselves, our community, and our world. In this week’s Torah portion Ki Tetzei, God tells us...

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Better Together

At the start of week’s Torah portion, Shoftim, we learn a lesson that is at the heart of the Jewish experience. I also believe it is as relevant and important as ever. As the portion opens, we read that, in every generation, we should ‘appoint magistrates and officials for your...

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Parashat R’eih

Parashat R’eih: The Pageant on Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal; Once Again: The MiSinai Melodies in the High Holy Day Services We begin to study the portion R’eih, and we learn about a new educational methodology used by Mosheh Rabbeinu/Moses our Teacher, as he delivers his final teachings to the Children of...

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Change as Rains of Heaven

In this week’s Torah portion Eikev, we are given some good advice on how to handle large changes in our lives. In this portion, God reminds us that “the land we are about to cross into isn’t like Egypt from which you have come. There the grain you have sowed...

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Sefer D’varim

Sefer D’varim: The Fifth Book of the Torah The Ninth Day of Av, Completing Vacation Season, and Preparation for the High Holy Days in Shir KI This Shabbat always marks the midpoint of the summer vacation season. The weather is still warm and the days are long. But as we...

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