Non-Binary Visibility

Last Sunday, our very own Lee Slobotkin, KI’s Creative Director, performed for our community in a beautiful concert filled with Broadway songs and contemporary music. (Thank you to our Women of KI and Adult Education Committee for making it happen!) It isn’t unusual for us to hear Lee singing or...

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Parashat Balak

Parashat Balak: The Talking She-Donkey; Ma Tovu; SHIR KI, Our Adult Choir, Begins Again, and The Choir Needs You! This week’s Torah portion is one of only two Sidrot/portions out of the over fifty in the complete Torah that is named for a non-Jew! The Torah portion of Balak teaches...

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New Beginnings

On Friday night I will lead my first service on the KI bimah with Cantor Levy. The road to this point has been long and not just with regard to the thorough search process that brought me here; the road to my arrival at KI can be traced back generations....

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Thank You, Janice

This week we have a transition of leadership within our synagogue. Our synagogue president, Janice Schwartz-Donahue, will be ending her three years as president. And of course, our beloved senior rabbi, Lance J. Sussman will be entering into Emeritus and retirement. Leading a synagogue for lay leaders is no easy...

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This will be my last eKI (June 23) and tomorrow, June 24, will be my final Friday night Shabbat service at KI. Most of my efforts at this point are directed at moving into my new office across the hall in the former Gift Shop. I am glad I will...

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B’ha-a-lo-techa: The March Begins, Building the Menorah and the Trumpets, Prayer for Miriam’s Good Health. Shir KI Returns to Verizon, April 2023, and We Need You! We are returning to the Verizon Hall stage in April 2023 to celebrate Israel 75, and we want you to join us! If you...

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Learning Over and Over Again

There is a Yiddish song called “Oyfn Pripetchok,” and in the refrain it says that we must practice the Hebrew letters over and over again to learn. “Remember children, what you learn, repeat it again and again-kometz aleph o.” Repeating words, prayers, and teachings out loud is essential to learning...

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Weeping for the Children

America is weeping for her children From an unknown place In our shattered souls Where there is no consolation Or hiding from our feelings. America is weeping for her children And their shattered bodies and Families Who cannot dig graves Deep enough to bury their sorrow. America is weeping for...

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