Embracing the Struggle

The word “Yisrael” means to “struggle with God.” These days we’re struggling with much more than God. We’re struggling with protestors, with media, with a relentless war, with antisemitism and misinformation. If you’re like me, your head is hurting. Your heart is pained. On college campuses (too many to count)...

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Let’s Celebrate!

This weekend we will celebrate my 20th anniversary at KI, and our 20 years together sharing prayer, music, love, laughter, tears, friendship, holidays, life cycles and community together. It has been my great honor to share these years with you, and it is my great joy to be your Cantor...

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Praying for a better day

I can’t stop thinking about Israel. My mind plays October 7 on repeat. I cannot unsee what I’ve seen: the brutality, the murder, the horror. Over a thousand Israelis were slaughtered. Homes were burned to the ground. Families were separated. Hostages were taken to faraway tunnels, their fate still unknown....

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Looking Forward

This week we put Purim in the rear-view mirror and set our sights on Passover. Indeed, as Jews we know that it is important to look back but we must find a way to look ahead as well. Just as we needed Purim, this story of an inspiring queen who...

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HaMotzi Update ~ Spring 2024

In the last nine years, we have served thousands of dinners for the food insecure in our area. Rabbi David and Cantor Amy create a spiritual connection at each meal by leading the HaMotzi prayer and providing a unique connection with our guests. They continually inspire and encourage our volunteers. Cantor...

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