Elul-A Month of Love

This week we began the Jewish month of Elul, which is the month when we start the preparation for the High Holy Days. The Hebrew Month of Elul is comprised of these Hebrew letters– aleph, lamed, vav, lamed – which is known in the Talmud, as the acronym for “Ani...

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Listening Then Loving

At the beginning of our Shabbat Morning Service, we recite a Blessing for Torah Study. Even though we specifically also have a Torah Service and Reading later in the service, the reading of Torah is throughout our liturgy. One example of this is the recitation of the “Shema” and “V’ahavta”...

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Inclusion Update

Dear fellow congregants, I hope this finds you happy and healthy. I am looking forward to spending August developing plans for this year’s Inclusion Committee. I do hope you have followed the experiences of Inclusion at KI during the past months: the LGBT+ Pride Shabbat, the ADD Shabbat, the panels on COVID,...

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