Why were they digging big holes in the lawn at KI?

Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel in partnership with the Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership secured grant funding to make stormwater management improvements on KI’s property. The first phase of the project includes installation of subsurface raintanks to manage the runoff from the 1.25 acre rooftop. The raintanks are stackable stormwater chambers which provide...

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Inclusion Update

Shalom, KI Community! While some programs have been in full swing, the Inclusion Committee has been planning our programs for the 2021-2022 year. As an example, “Clearing the Confusion II,”  a panel discussion on navigating current Covid issues will be held on ZOOM and Facebook Live on December 12th.  Researchers...

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Kristallnacht Commemoration

November 9, 2021 was the 83rd anniversary of Kristallnacht, the “Night of Broken Glass,” in which the Nazis burned Jewish businesses and synagogues in Germany and Austria. Sources indicate that over 1,000 synagogues were burned or destroyed. All within the span of two days, 7,000 Jewish businesses were looted and...

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The Jewish Supply Chain Crisis

In this week’s Torah portion, Vayera (Genesis 18), we read about the first “Jewish Supply Chain Crisis.” Basically, because of a fight within Abraham’s family, the first ‘Jewish’ family, half of the Jewish population is sent away. It is a complex and uncomfortable story. Abraham had been promised to be...

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