Reopening Protocols

Dear Congregants, In my January President’s Blog, I wrote about the Jewish values that were guiding our congregation throughout the pandemic. I continue to feel that it is of utmost importance that we be guided by the values of Pikuah Nefesh (Safeguarding Life) and Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh Bazeh (We...

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Opening Our Doors

In this week’s Torah portion, Shelach L’cha, it tells us that spies are sent out ahead of our people to scout the Land of Israel to report on the inhabitants and the country. Despite the positive report of Joshua and Caleb, that the land was “flowing with milk and honey,”...

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B’ha-a-lo-techa: The March Begins, Miriam’s Nastiness, Moses’ Verbal Prayer for Her Good Health, and To Bigotry No Sanction As we begin the reading of B’haalotecha, the third portion of B’Midbar/Numbers, the Israelites remain encamped at the foot of Mount Sinai. They stay at this location for a full year after...

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Israel Under Attack

The recent events in Israel are very disconcerting and we are praying for those under attack who have to keep running to their bomb shelters.  Our hearts go out to those who are undergoing these harrowing attacks and living in these dangerous times.  Complexity exists in our beloved Israel. The...

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Emor ~ Celebrate Together

One of Judaism’s greatest contributions to civilization is Shabbat. Shabbat literally means “day of rest” but Shabbat is really much more than that. Shabbat is also a day of holiness, Torah and celebration. Shabbat is more than the cessation from work. Ultimately, it is the basis of modern labor law...

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A Time of Transition

Dear Keneseth Israel Community, In Rabbi Sussman’s letter, he shared news of his decision to step down from his position as KI’s Senior Rabbi and begin the next phase of his life. As with any significant change, I imagine that you may greet this news with a broad range of...

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Social Justice for eKI 4.28.21

From Warriors to Guardians: Reimagining Community Values in Policing May 4th from 6:00 to 7:30 PM Please join us for an important program on policing presented by KI members on the Eastern Montco Interfaith Coalition (EMIC) and Arcadia University. Presenters will include Eddie Graham, President of the Cheltenham Area Branch of...

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