The Dress By Ellen Tilman

Moral Compass: Artists Respond to Crises Temple Judea Museum exhibition January – March 2021 KI MEMBERS RESPOND TO THE PANDEMIC: The Dress – Ellen Tilman I hadn’t worn a dress in six months. Pants or shorts were sufficient for my cloistered needs. In my pre-covid life, I would arise each Shabbat...

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Our Parking Lot – Rita Rosen Poley

Moral Compass: Artists Respond to Crises Temple Judea Museum exhibition January – March 2021 OUR COMMUNITY MEMBERS RESPOND TO THE PANDEMIC: OUR PARKING LOT – Rita Rosen Poley Because of Covid19 I developed a close relationship with the KI parking lot. I live close enough to work to walk but seldom...

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President’s Message, October 8th, 2020

Our High Holy Day Appeal Continues through October 31, 2020 – DONATE HERE! Dear Congregants, Thank you for your generosity! Thank you for making KI a priority during the High Holy Days! Thank you for listening on the radio, and tuning in on your computers and iPad and smart phones....

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Shir KI, The Volunteer Choir Of Keneseth Israel, Prepares A Virtual Choir Presentation For The High Holidays

SHIR KI, our wonderful volunteer adult choir, will conclude the Rosh Hashanah service with a thrilling “VIRTUAL CHOIR PRESENTATION” of Hallelujah Psalm 150 by Louis Lewandowski. Choral singing has been a major element of Jewish worship since the First Temple in Jerusalem, built by King Solomon, 3000 years ago. The...

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