Sefer D’varim/Deuteronomy, Shabbat Hazon, Tisha B’Av, and My Encounter with Congressman John Lewis, of Blessed Memory

“V’Eileh Had’varim asher diber Moshe el Bnai Yisrael…” And these are the words that Moses addressed to Israel on the other side of the Jordan, through the wilderness…” The book of D’varim/Deuteromy begins with these words!  With “words,” Moses our teacher begins his review of the history of the Israelite...

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I Choose to Renew

There was a time in my life when I had to make a critical decision as my KI membership renewal information arrived. I was raising two daughters as a “single parent,” and working as an elementary school teacher, with little extra to spare at the end of each month. In...

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Strengthening One Another

In this week’s Torah portion, Matot-Masei, we recall our travels from Egypt through the desert. Names of destinations are listed, and each stopping point named. Honestly, listening to this list of “vacation” spots made me a little envious of our people’s ability to move around without too much fear of...

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