Each of us has a name

What name will you make for yourself this year? After all, each of us carries multiple names. To some we are ‘mom’ or ‘dad’ perhaps. Perhaps we are ‘grandma,’ ‘grandpa,’ ‘saba,’ ‘nana.’ We are aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters. We have professional names and nicknames. We are known one...

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Making the Old, New

I spent last weekend with 800 of our fellow Reform Jews in Washington D.C. I was there to take part in celebrating 150 years of the Union for Reform Judaism, originally the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. In attendance were the leaders of our movement, prominent speakers, authors and teachers....

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Parashat MIketz

Parashat MIketz-Joseph, Lighting the Hanukkah Candles for The Eighth Night, and Candles as a Symbol of Shalom Bayit/Family Peace In our Torah reading cycle, we are in the middle of the Joseph stories in the Book of Bereshit/Genesis. Joseph, the son of the Jacob, the third Jewish patriarch, has been...

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We are all Jacob

We are glued to the news. Hostages are released in groups. When will they all be home? How can the lives of these poor children ever be the same? How will these families ever find a kind of normalcy again? How do we find joy when so many are still...

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We Rallied!

On Tuesday I was one of 300,000 people who descended on our nation’s capital to rally for the release of 240 hostages being held by Hamas. We stood together across faith, across denomination, across race and sexuality as we sang out and prayed for an end to antisemitism. We applauded...

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These Reminders

We all have enduring reminders of our ancestors whether in the form of stories, songs, ritual objects, art, or memories. I have 3 sisters, and we all have an heirloom or two, but mine is extraordinarily special. My grandmother gave me my great grandmother’s Shabbat candlesticks that were brought over...

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Mitzvah Menorah 2023

All items should be NEW, unwrapped, and will be collected in the lobby through December 15th. Donations will support Champions For Cheltenham. *Students in grades K-3, please buy: Leggings for girls age 8-12 *Students in grades 4-6, please buy: Five below games, journals, drawing supplies, craft kits, science kits, fidgets...

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A New Soundtrack

With the pain and terror in Israel and in our hearts, it is difficult to find a soundtrack besides the horror in the media. Our hearts are aching, and this heaviness, emotionally, is challenging. Many of you are asking what can you do and how can you help? Here are...

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