What Does a Rabbi Do?
I love my job. I would not even call it a job; it is a life or a lifestyle. You are not a rabbi only when the synagogue is open or only during the day. You are not a rabbi only on Shabbat or during the High Holy Days. It...
I love my job. I would not even call it a job; it is a life or a lifestyle. You are not a rabbi only when the synagogue is open or only during the day. You are not a rabbi only on Shabbat or during the High Holy Days. It...
Shalom! As we conclude another incredible summer at Camp Harlam, we want to thank you for your ongoing support. The relationship between camp and the congregations in our region are critical to our growth, development, and success. We wanted to share some important information with you as we now shift...
PARASHAT R’EIH: SEE, THE BLESSING AND THE CURSE! CENTRAL SANCTUARY IN A DIVINELY ORDAINED PLACE! SHIR KI CONTINUES THE 3000 YEAR JEWISH MUSICAL TRADITION- FIRST REHEARSAL: AUGUST 15, AT 7 PM. In this week’s Torah portion, Moses continues his third and final summary of G-d’s commandments by staging a massive...
People are flocking to see the new Barbie movie which, as of this writing, has earned over $700 million in box office revenue. It is the hit of the summer and the film that has brought America back to the movies. Why is Barbie so popular? And why exactly is...
In August of 1897 Theodor Herzl brought together Jewish leaders from around the globe. They met in Basel, Switzerland. The attire was formal. The event would prove to be historic. The subject of the meeting: the need for a home for the Jewish people. Herzl’s vision was to garner support...
Parashat D’varim: Beginning the Fifth Book of Torah Summer Jewish Life in the Poconos This past Shabbat morning, I chanted the prayer announcing the new Hebrew month of Av in our summer congregation, the Hemlock Farms Jewish Fellowship. For 32 years, Ellen and I have spent our summer vacation in...
As I start my 20th year as your Cantor, I would like to share with you one major way I have grown (dramatically) since I started. In my first couple of years as your cantor, I would come to the office with an Iced Carmel Macchiato and a Blueberry Scone...
If you have ever been to Israel, you know what it feels like to land back in America. You are exhausted. You are fulfilled. You are both energized and dragging. That is how I feel as I write this. This week I came back to the synagogue after an extraordinary...
A DOUBLE PORTION DESCRIBING PROFOUND PRESSURE ON MOSES AND HIS ABRUPT REACTION. All over the world, Jews are reading two Sidrot/Portions this coming Shabbat, the double portion of Hukkat/Balak, chapters 19-25 in B’midbar/Numbers. The Israelites are approaching the end of their 40 year march in the desert on the way...
On Saturday night, I will board a plane to Israel alongside members of our community. I can’t wait to get on that plane. Traveling to Israel is more a pilgrimage than anything else. For generations our people have embarked on this very mission, even if modes of transportation have clearly...