8339 OLD YORK ROAD | ELKINS PARK, PA 19027 | 215.887.8700
The Spirituality of Laughter w/ Rabbi Bob Alper
Event details
Wednesday | July 22, 2020
7:30 pm
KI welcomes The Spirituality of Laughter with Rabbi Bob Alper
Wednesday, July 22nd at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom!
CLICK TO REGISTER! Made possible by a grant from the Rabbi’s Philanthropic Fund. The Spirituality of Laughter with Rabbi Bob Alper: The program explores humor in ancient and modern Jewish tradition, and considers why laughter has been such an integral part of Jewish culture. It’s an engaging and inspiring event – while averaging two genuine belly laughs per minute! Much as Rabbi Bob Alper would like to do stand-up comedy virtually, it simply doesn’t work. Stand-up is the most intimate of art forms, with the audience and performer as close to one another as possible, the antithesis of what protection from COVID-19 requires. www.BobAlper.com