This Shabbat, Friday, March 7, 2025 at 7:00 p.m., Congregations Shaare Shamayim and Keneseth Israel will join together for Hadassah Shabbat Across the Regions.
Many of our members’ support Hadassah, an organization established on February 24, 1912, that supports Israel through its world-renowned hospitals, providing critical medical care, expanding surgical and rehabilitation facilities, and offering psychological support to soldiers and civilians affected by conflict.
Additionally, Hadassah provides emergency funds to strengthen Israel’s healthcare and humanitarian infrastructure. When I was a teenager, my mother gifted me a life membership, as she was a member and so was her mother.
This week’s Torah portion, Tetzaveh, begins with a call for us to bring pure olive oil to keep the eternal light, the “Neir Tamid.” This reminds us that every contribution—no matter how big or small—helps sustain something greater than ourselves. In much the same way, Hadassah has united generations of Jewish women to build institutions of healing, education, and support for Israel, Hadassah ensures that the light of care and resilience continues to shine in Israel. Just as our ancestors brought their gifts to sustain sacred space, Hadassah’s work in establishing hospitals and medical research centers continues to provide light and healing to those in need.
Join us this Shabbat at 7:00 p.m. as we strengthen our connection to Hadassah and the Land of Israel, our people, and our purpose. We will sing songs of Israel, join together in prayer for peace, and continue the bonds of community and strength as our people have done for generations.