Andrew Altman - President

Greetings, and welcome to KI’s Lay Leadership page. I’m humbled and excited to be the President of the Congregation. 

It’s an honor to follow in the footsteps of Janice Schwartz-Donahue and our other past presidents, whose council and friendships I’ll rely on heavily. 

My husband Lee Chudzinski and I joined KI in 2007 when our son Berel was still young. We immediately felt a warm welcome and developed personal bonds with leadership and fellow congregants. Lee and I were married by Rabbi Sussman - twice in 2015! (Long, happy story!) Our son celebrated his Bar Mitzvah and Confirmation with our family here on KI’s bimah. We’re committed to KI and its future.

I’ve had a long and fortuitous journey here. I grew up in neighboring Springfield Township, attending and becoming Bar Mitzvah and Confirmand at Beth Tikvah B’nai Jeshrun. I graduated from Emory University in 1983 with only a vague idea of what I wanted to do with my life.

My first job after college was as an au pair for a family in Paris who spoke no English. I returned home after a year and used my French fluency to secure a job as a pastry apprentice for a Parisian Chef who had just arrived in Philadelphia. I ended up working in restaurants for four years, including at Frög and Deja Vù in the front and back of the house. I absolutely loved the camaraderie among staff and the connections I made with diners. Ultimately, however, the restaurant life was not my style, and I started looking for something more meaningful.

By chance, a job door-to-door canvassing with Greenpeace presented itself to me, and within a few days, I had found my new calling. I realized I could earn a living while practicing Tikkun Olam, a practice I thought could be volunteer only. 

Eventually, I took on many roles, including an executive, board member, fundraiser, and consultant for 23 years in the nonprofit sector, including for Greenpeace, Clean Air Council, Brat Productions, Pennsylvania Wind Energy, Philadelphia Family Pride, White Dog Community Enterprises, and others. 

I quit all of that the day Berel was born and was blessed with several years of being a stay-at-home dad and part-time consultant. When Berel started full-time school, I once again plunged into full-time work, moving from the macro to the most micro I could find: youth education.

I returned to school and earned a Masters and dual certification in Elementary and Special Education from Arcadia University in 2012. I now teach 6th-grade English Language Arts and Social Studies at Elkins Park School in Cheltenham School District, where I sponsor the Newspaper Club and the student-led Inclusion Club. 

Having served on a multitude of KI Committees, including Rabbinic Search, Transition, Spring Celebration (Chair in 2021), Finance, Investment, Education, and Hazak (Co-Chair), while volunteering with Hamotzi and other programs and serving as Associate Treasurer and Vice-President, I feel both prepared and inspired to be the next President of KI. I have a feeling my hobby of juggling will come in handy.

I feel privileged to work with such a talented and kind team of clergy, staff, lay leaders, and volunteers. To build our tomorrow together as a congregation, we will research, brainstorm, discuss - maybe debate a little if we’re lucky, plan, and create the KI of the future, all with open hearts and open arms.

Contact Andrew via email:

2024/2025 Lay Leadership


Andrew Altman, President
Alan Barbell, Director
Lynore Eisman, Women of KI President
Elyse Herman, Asst. Secretary
Donna Keller, Vice President
Isaak Kruger, Treasurer
Allison Levine, JQuest & Quest Noar Chair
Lise Marlowe, Director
Ryan Perlman, Religious Practices Chair
Mark Pitkow, Director
James Rosenthal, First Vice President
Jonathan Schmalzbach, Director
Marijke Shenkman, Secretary
Jaimie Shmelzer, Membership Chair
Stanley Singer, Investment Chair
Robert Zaslow, Director

BOARD OF TRUSTEES  (PP=Past President)

Richard Abt
Andrew Altman
Myrna Asher
Alan Barbell
E. Harris Baum, PP
Susan Becker
John Behrend
Ellen Bildersee
Barbara Bronstein
Jan DuBois, PP
Noah Eisenman
Lynore Eisman
Morton Freedman
Susan Fried
Robin Fine-Furman
Joseph Gordon
Tracy Greenbaum
Elyse Herman
Arlene Holtz

Alan Kane
Connie Kay, PP
Donna Keller
Isaak Kruger
Evonne Kruger, PP
Allison Levine
Lise Marlowe
Arnold Meshkov, PP
Norma Meshkov, PP
Alan Meyers
Robert Michaelson
Diane Miller
Jack Myers
Ryan Perlman
Mark Pitkow
Sharon Rhodes
James Rosenthal
Carey Roseman, PP
Robert Saltzburg

Karen Shain Schloss
Jonathan Schmalzbach
Evan Schwartz
Janice Schwartz-Donahue, PP
Lise Schwartz
Adam Segalow
Marijke Shenkman
Jaimie Shmelzer
Stanley Singer
Karen Sirota, PP
Ellen Sklaroff
Peter Soloff, PP
Denise Soloff
Paulette Sterman -Soroko
Elizabeth Kaufman Taylor
Amy Wapnitsky
Richard Weiss, PP
Robert Zaslow
Susan Zaslow


Lynore Eisman, President
Sue Fried, Programming VP
Paulette Sterman-Soroko, Programming VP
Carole Levitan, Membership VP
Mickie Levin, Advertising VP
Patricia Coley-Segal, Secretary/Treasurer
Sondra Polish, Recording Secretary
Diane Miller, Corresponding Secretary
Mindi Glachman, Past President

Click here for list of Past KI Presidents

Click here for Bylaws of Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel