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Letter from Hazzan David F. Tilman

Dear Members of our beloved Keneseth Israel Family, 

Last week, I told Rabbi David and Cantor Levy that I shall retire as music director of SHIR KI in May 2025.  

Our 14 years together have been so wonderful, meaningful, and inspiring for me and, I pray, for you!!

Ellen and I are planning to relocate to Scotch Plains, New Jersey, in order to live close to our family, Rabbi Howard and Naomi Tilman, and our grandchildren, Micah Toby and Sophie Danielle. Our New York based children, Avrum and Alana, will be a short train ride for us.

Fourteen years ago, Cantor Levy, with the blessing of Rabbi Sussman and the KI leadership, invited me to become music director and conductor of Shir KI, our wonderful volunteer adult choir. Our singers and I have enjoyed these 14 years of Jewish musical adventures.  

In 2011, Cantor Levy, virtuoso organist Andrew Senn, and I embarked on a Jewish musical journey. We have led our congregation in sincere and inspiring Jewish prayer during the High Holiday season and on Shabbat evening services. We have presented concerts in celebration of Hanukkah, Holocaust Remembrance Shabbat, and Israel Independence Day.  We have sung music from the Shabbat liturgy, music from Israel, Yiddish music, music from the opera on “Shabopera,” and music from the Broadway stage, and music by Leonard Bernstein in commemoration of his 100th birthday.

We have sung on the stage of Verizon Hall three times, singing with Cantor Alberto Mizrahi, Israeli superstar Noa, 15 Delaware Valley Cantors, and with 170 Jewish choral singers from throughout the Delaware Valley. 

Cantor Levy’s visions became realized in so many ways. Together with Andrew Senn, we sang and harmonized, bringing our N’shamot/souls together. “L’dor Vador Nagid Godlecha-From Generation to Generation, We Tell of your Glory,” we sang with intense sincerity and limitless joy!

During these years, I have had the unique opportunity to speak with so many KI congregants during moments of joy and moments of sadness.  It has been my great privilege to teach an annual class as part of the KI Adult Education program chaired so ably by Caryl Levin. 

I have learned from my colleagues and from you during these last 14 years.

We are now preparing for our next KI event on Shabbat evening, December 6, in celebration of the Jewish people and Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel. 

I hope that there will be a celebration of Jewish music and our achievements together in the Spring.

Let us continue to sing, to pray, to study, to practice, to bring joy to our people, and to bring praise to Almighty G-d.

Todah Rabbah/Thank you very much.

With much love and great respect,

Hazzan David F. Tilman