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Sharing Our Blessings

This week’s Torah portion, Vayechi, reminds us that blessings are often buried in places we don’t always think to look. Jacob, at the end of his life, gathers his family to share words of blessing. Within these words, we find hopes for the future along with prayers for peace.

One of the most beautiful traditions that comes from this portion is the blessing of children: “May God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh.”

We use this blessing at our Shabbat dinner table. We can take a moment to pass words of love and hope to the next generation. And blessings like this don’t just happen at the Shabbat table, at every Shabbat at KI we offer blessings for those marking special events, birthdays and anniversaries. When you come to services we also offer the blessing of community, the blessings of our tradition, and the blessing of just being together as a community. Community offers moments of connection and care which are the blessings that carry us through life’s highs and lows.

If you are celebrating a special milestone, or if you are in need of a special blessing- let the clergy office know (215-887-8702) and we can arrange to offer you a blessing at a Shabbat Service.  

So as we close out the book of Genesis this week we end with the words “Chazak, chazak, venitchazek”—Be strong, be strong, and may we be strengthened“—let’s remember that strength comes from one another.

May you find and share blessings at KI, and may you know that when we share our blessings, we magnify our community life. Wishing you a Shabbat of peace, connection, and blessings.