If you would like to participate in our upcoming programs, please RSVP to Anita@KenesethIsrael.org

Food RX is a program leg of The KItchen. Through our programming we empower community to improve dietary choices, and achieve better health and healing using real food and nutrition as medicine in preventing and managing chronic illnesses

Food for Thought is a program leg of The KItchen. Make sense of our present through investigating the past. At the intersection of history, food, and culture explore foodways that not only define our communities and identities but also connect us with one another. And in our monthly Rosh Chodesh text study, excavate the stories, roles and voices of biblical women and consider their relevance in our contemporary lives.

“Our Kitchen Table” is one leg of the KItchen programming. The overall goals of Our Kitchen Table programs are to create community in an inclusive, warm, and welcoming atmosphere. In our founding documents, we state, “Pull up a chair at our Kitchen Table to create community — chatting with old friends and making new ones. Join us as we nourish connections within KI, build partnerships across the local Jewish community and engage with the larger community beyond, breaking down barriers and finding common ground through cooking and sharing tasty food, having meaningful conversations and deepening relationships.”

It’s Not Too Late to Join the Shabbos Chefs Society- fill out this form so we can learn more about you!  https://forms.gle/CW23sMmdbfTzgw2Q8 RSVP to Anita@KenesethIsrael.org

Monthly volunteer sessions held at Keneseth Israel. AADD, JCHAI, and KI members will come together to bake a delicious, signature dessert to be served at an Oneg Shabbat or a Hamotzi Dinner at KI. SIGN UP HERE! Questions? Call 215-887-8700

In The KItchen we are cooking-up wellness with programs to explore mind-body connections, food as medicine and food for the soul.  You can pull-up a chair at our Kitchen Table to create community chatting with old friends and making new ones.

If you would like to participate in our upcoming programs, please RSVP to Anita@KenesethIsrael.org


Cantor in the Kitchen: Foodie Fun for All Ages

Food for Thought ~ A Woman’s Place Text Study: Text Studies to Investigate Our Biblical/Cultural Past and Present: CLICK HERE FOR BROCHURE!

Rosh Chodesh Nisan “Queens Virtuous and Vilified – Jezebel,Athalia and Makeda of Sheba”   3/31/2025 2:00 pm

Rosh Chodesh Iyyar “Texts of Terror I – Pilegesh in the Book of Judges 4/28/2025 2:00 pm

Rosh Chodesh Sivan ” Texts of Terror II – Jephthah’s Daughter 5/28/2025 2:00 pm 

Rosh Chodesh Tamuz “Texts of Terror III – Cozbi and the Midianite Women” 6/26/2025 2:00 pm

Food Rx

Squaring the Circle with Good Nutrition

Food and Nutrition: the First Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine with Susan Dornstein

In The KItchen Food for thought is also on the menu… We’re dishing text study, sampling fresh perspectives, and introducing new presentations to help us make sense of our changing world — embracing sustainability over scarcity, and partnerships over patriarchy.

Imagine A Place. . . 

  • Committed to nurturing community, comfort, and caring;
  • a place that brings together all the right ingredients to nourish your mind, body and spirit;
  • Centering compassion, collaboration and a life-affirming ethic, where we can learn together how to cook, eat, think, and live more healthfully;
  • Rooted in the OYR community that connects with and influences the quality of life for area residents through exchanging ideas and serving-up food for thought;
  • Open to individuals from all faith traditions where you can explore a menu of mindfulness practices, savor new insights, and experience personal growth.

That place is The KItchen at Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel.  

Celebrating 20 years with Cantor Amy E. Levy!