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Great News! TJM Update ~ Summer 2024

Want to let you all know of some exciting TJM news!

Over the years, Leon Chudzinski has become more and more of a key player in the workings of the Temple Judea Museum. Since becoming a member of the TJM Artists’ Collaborative he has exhibited in our group exhibitions. Notably with a major work in our “Out of the Whirlwind” exhibition at Montgomery County Community College gallery, and as part of the project to provide artwork for the KI kitchen.

Always willing to lend a hand, three years ago Leon volunteered to help hang the decorations in the KI/TJM Sukkah. This fall he will take over responsibility for the Sukkah, meaning I do not have to climb those ladders anymore or enlist a grandchild to help me. 

Leon’s first meaningful TJM curatorial work was in 2023 when he volunteered to install the Gilens/Harris photography exhibition. The result of that effort made it clear that Leon has a gift for understanding how placement in an exhibition can enhance the story an artwork has to tell. Since then Leon has been involved in every TJM exhibition installation.

Currently he is planning for his first full curatorial effort, “Unpacking the Jewish Journey” which will be a yearlong exhibition of artifacts from our collection, art work by members of the Collaborative and his own original research and design elements. Look for this at the beginning of 2025!

Last week, after consulting with Karen Schloss, TJM chair, and Marlene Adler, chair of the TJM Collaborative, I asked Leon if he would assume the ongoing responsibilities of exhibition installation. I am grateful that he has agreed and that he will now formally join our creative team as TJM Installations Curator.


Rita Rosen Poley, Director & Curator of the Temple Judea Museum